One of the reasons we don’t often end up manifesting that perfect job, new home, replacement car, or whatever it is that you would like to happen, is because we have multiple ideas and thoughts about that specific outcome.
For example, let’s say you would like a different job as a secretary or office manager, and that’s the point. Which one is it? Do you want to be a secretary or an office manager, or maybe even just get your foot in the door … a third option, or is it a bad idea altogether and maybe you should go back to school and get a better degree, a fourth option.
When your meditations, prayers and cries for this change never seem to happen, it can be very frustrating and could lead a person to stop trying altogether, assuming the universe either isn’t helping you right now or flat out doesn’t want to help at all.
The real problem, however, is that we will experience whatever we truly put on our plate. If you have a desire for a specific job, but put a bunch of maybes as to what that job might be, you will experience ‘maybe’. You will stay in a perpetual word of maybe. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, but never actually getting there, but maybe.
The only way to change your experience is to change your request or goal to one that is very specific, and when that is done, you are much more likely to experience that choice. So, using our previous example, if you want to be a secretary, then:
- do everything you can to learn about being a secretary
- apply only to secretary jobs
- set all other job options or ideas aside
- envision yourself as being a secretary
- be enthused because you know you will soon be a secretary
There is no magic here, but now, instead of scattering your focus and then having a scattered experience, you have narrowed your focus and will have narrowed your experience. Now, the universe can become truly helpful because you have made an actual choice. Multiple choices is not a choice, but is a fog and a fog slows down a process or makes it so it will never happen at all.
Alternatively, if you are not sure about any specific thing, but know you need a change, the best thing you could ever do is to spend some time in meditation and prayer and say this, “I am open for whatever is best“. Don’t pick a specific direction for yourself, but let spirit or your higher self take the lead. You are still making a single choice, for that one thing that spirit knows is best, and you will then experience that.
The one difficulty I had to work through with that kind of request is actually letting go of my desired outcomes, thus keeping things in the ‘maybe’ world. There is a level of trust you have to have in order to hand things over to spirit and embrace the idea that someone or something is making this choice for you, but there is a different way of seeing this.
Handing things over to spirit is simply allowing your higher self, the real you, to take over. You are a spirit and your spirit has a much clearer perception of what you truly need to experience to find joy and discover your true purpose. Most of us have no idea what that is, but our spirit knows, so by handing the choice over to spirit, you could experience a truly remarkable transformation of direction, resulting in experiencing that which is best for you.
It all comes down to choosing to have a singular focus and then trusting that the desired outcome is on the way. You don’t have to trust your ego self or trust how things might pan out in this world, but you can learn to trust that spirit knows the perfect path for you. You can learn to trust yourself, your little voice or intuition, and then you will see things manifest in your life that are in line with what will bring you happiness and joy.