How is it possible that the prophecies from top evangelical leaders, messages received and verified by evangelical prophets, or even channelings to those in the new age and spirituality sector, have not turned out to be true about politics, nationalism, and creating some version of God’s kingdom here on earth? Were you deceived by God? Did he send lying angels? Did you misinterpret … or were people blatantly deceived?
Part of the answer lies in how a person sees Jesus and their goal here on Earth…
- On one hand, someone could believe Jesus to be a warrior that helps them fight evil people on the Earth, and that he will eventually bring a mighty army to slay the billions who oppose him.
- Or maybe somebody that hasn’t totally bought into that, believes that Jesus or God himself, has given them a special mission to create heaven here on Earth, either through political change or through construction of Holy cities.
- Alternatively, a person could believe Jesus to be a totally passive and loving being that wants all people to live in a spirit of loving forgiveness and peace, whether they ever knew him or not, and their goal is to simply extend love and peace into whatever it is they choose to do.
Depending upon how somebody answers this question, it could determine from which god they have been getting their information, guidance and inspiration.
If a person answered – A Warrior or Mission Jesus
The concept of a warrior or Earth mission Jesus is only possible through having a connection to a vindictive and unloving god, such as Yahweh, the ancient god of war. He is a powerful spiritual being that gets incredible satisfaction through controlling people with threats and fear. He is the ultimate bully. He is not your Creator or a god of any kind. He’s a pathological liar and a narcissist that feeds on your misguided allegiance and misery. He says just enough ‘true’ things to lure people in, and then lies about everything else, and then his followers believe him without question because blind obedience is required … or some form of retribution follows.
If a person answered – A Peaceful and Passive Jesus
The reality of a loving and peaceful Jesus simply exists, and is the true extension of our Source Creator, God, a being of unconditional love. Our Creator is not a manipulator because He has no fears or weaknesses that require him to protect himself. He has no ego to bruise or abuse. He simply loves and extends love and does not interfere with any of the crazy choices we choose to make because He gave us the right to make any and all of these choices. This means there is nothing we can do to anger him. There is nothing anyone can do to ever be in a position where we must appease or be forgiven by him. He loves us all without condition. Period. He didn’t send us here with a mission to fix the Earth, but to open ourselves for healing and to extend love and light to all others so that they too may discover their own path to healing.
If you are starting to doubt how or why such unloving, angry and vindictive points of view are embraced by your church or group, perhaps this article will shed light on a few things for you.
With respect to the godlike being that filters through into the circles of extreme evangelism, this is not our loving Creator God, it is Yahweh, a power hungry false god. He is a god of war. He brings chaos and destruction and demands obedience, or else. I know the idea of having been worshipping a false god can be rather unsettling since it means you have not truly been connected to God in the way you may have believed. Bear in mind, however, that you were never abandoned or alone because the Creator God has always been there with you, patiently waiting for you to want to hear him instead.
For now, set aside any upsetting thoughts of having been tricked or deceived, and just embrace the idea that you can make a choice right now to stop listening to that darker side of spirit, and start listening to a lighter side. It’s a great time to make this choice because the light is getting stronger each day and becoming more obvious to those who have only been existing within its shadows.
Because of this increase in light, Yahweh has been feeling his grip weakening in the past few years, so he is going far, far out of his way to convince as many people as possible that:
- they are justified with their anger
- they are justified embracing concepts of punishment and revenge
- they are justified in their hatred
- they have every reason to fear and despise the enemies he has pointed out to them.
- they are at war with gods enemies
He twists these concepts into his version of love where a person has to purposely and willingly ignore the base teachings of Jesus, such as loving your brother as yourself, or loving your perceived enemies … and his followers simply accept this. Why? Because he lies and gets others to spread his lies and he says them over and over again, until all they hear is what he wants them to hear, and then his followers no longer think for themselves at all, but simply react to what has been drilled into their minds as being true.
How do you escape from such a horrific god? Just let him go. He has no power over you in even the smallest way. Like a big bully, it’s all lies. Many of the lies are to make you feel good and accepted, but that’s just a way to trap you and lure you into blindly accepting his deepest and most sinister lies that entomb your spirit and mind in a place where true love and forgiveness have been banished, and then that becomes a persons ‘new normal‘.
You can, at any time, choose to connect with our true Creator and start to learn about what unconditional love really means. I too had to learn to see Jesus and God differently because what I had been told about them all my life was a deception to keep me in the dark embrace of an angry overlord … Yahweh.
I created a phrase that I use to distinguish if something I am listening to or reading is likely to be true or not. That phrase is:
God is a God of love and He does not teach through fear or use fear in any way.
– David Nelmes
This basically means:
- If something you hear or are reading uses fear as motivation, it is not from our true Creator God.
- If something you hear or are reading includes physical requirements of things you must do or not do, to please God, this is not from our Creator God.
- If something you hear or are reading suggests you are special or better than another person in any way, this is not from our Creator God.
- If something you hear or are reading suggests that you should close the doors or build walls between yourself and anyone else in the world, that is not from your Creator God.
- If something you hear or are reading suggests that you have the right to be angry, hateful, bitter, or unforgiving, that is not from your Creator God.
- If something you hear or are reading suggests that you are at war with anything or anyone, and that you have the right to deceive, kill and destroy, that is not from your Creator God.
I know there are many within the evangelical circle that know they have experienced what they believe are true messages from the Creator God by those speaking in tongues. How is it possible to get these messages if not from God? Because the people providing these messages are ‘mediums’ and don’t even know it. They are channeling spirits that agree with and embrace their ideas of suppression, obligation, sacrifice, one-sided justice, punishment, vindictiveness, and guilt. When the messages come through, there will always be some truth and some idea of love, but almost always , there will be the essence of ego beings that want to be worshipped, adored, and revered, that will continue to foster their false messages and beliefs forever if they can.
These spirits that align themselves with Yahweh, will say things you want to hear and make promises over and over again … promises they can’t keep; and when they don’t follow through, they make another promise and their followers forget the ones not kept. Case in point, if you were or are in an evangelical circle, how many times have you been told Jesus would return by a certain date or event? How many times have you been told that something very specific would happen and it just didn’t? How many times have you blindly believed the explanations for why things turned out differently, only to jump at the next empty promise?
How is it possible to get these messages if not from God? Because the people providing these messages are ‘mediums’ and don’t even know it.
How then does a person start on a new path towards greater light, and connect with the Creator God? By just opening their heart to the Creator God, and inviting him to help them to see things more clearly and truthfully. With that simple invitation for truth, things will start to be revealed to them. I went through this same thing myself, and since I liked to write, I wrote many articles over the years that act as a bit of a diary of my thoughts and insights after I left my evangelical beliefs behind and walked towards those of an unconditionally loving God.
I eventually collected all the articles together and wrote a book called, “Seeing God … perhaps for the first time” . That was over ten years ago, but I can see where those articles and that book were placed there for when you reached this point yourself. These writings provide some insight and encouragement as to how to shake off the old heavy energy and simply allow in the unconditional love of your Creator.
I am going to start putting out some new information that is more relevant to our current events, so check back often or keep in touch via my facebook page, YouTube channel or mailing list. You are starting an amazing journey and I am here to help provide insight as best I can.
Meanwhile, my website is filled with helpful articles and references. A good place to start is with this article called ‘A New Beginning‘.
This is more of an after-thought, but, using this article as a reference, I can see why so many Christians can so easily follow Donald Trump. He has the same characteristics of yahweh, the god of war. He is self-absorbed and sends his anger out onto anyone who disagrees with him. He requires blind allegiance, or repercussions will follow. He is a narcissist in that he never does anything wrong, is always right, and/or is always the victim which then gives him the right to make his demands. He spews lies over and over again so that his followers eventually believe them and treat them as truth, even though they have no proof of any kind.
Many evangelical Christians were already primed for a false prophet such as Trump to come along, because he is the physical manifestation of their god of war. He may not be THE antichrist, but he definitely is an antichrist.
My advice to any and all who embrace this man. Pray for clarity and to be open for truth. Choose to see how you can make decisions based upon love, and not on fear or requirements. See this lying, self-absorbed man for who he really is and compare him to Jesus, and if you truly choose to see, you will see that Trump is the opposite of Christ in almost every way possible, making him a true, anti-christ.