You are fully supported by your spirit guides. They walk with you through this journey and are always there to provide you with helpful spiritual support.
Understanding and Working with Your Spirit Guides
All Spirits of Love and Light will support you at any time, but when you focus on healing specific Chakra related issues, consider connecting with these suggested guides whose healing expertise is already focused there.
The power of your Spirit Guides surpasses anything you could imagine. They are thrilled to work with you and await your invitation to interact more deeply with you.
Each deck of Chakra Healing Cards and every product I provide includes Spiritual Support by default because I have already interceded on your part to welcome and allow spirit to help you in ways that serve you best.
I believe healing doors truly open when two or more agree on something. I have already joined you in inviting healing. Adding your invitation for this as well makes two, empowering you and putting you in control of your healing journey.
All spirits of love and light are willing to help you anytime. Still, some spirit beings have a deeper focus or experience with certain healing aspects. When focused on chakra healing, knowing which Spirit Guides are best suited to help you when working on a particular chakra is helpful.
I asked each guide to summarize what they want to share about how they can best help you. These messages are listed on this page, and each guide's message is accompanied by a reference to the chakra in which they specialize.
These are direct messages from them to you, offering a sense of understanding and care. Read through all of them to see if one or more resonates with you, and then invite them to work with you on their specialty chakra or any chakra.
In addition, the full decks of Chakra Healing Cards include the same messages channeled through me from each of these guides on the rear of the 'Spiritual Guidance' card.
Archangel Chamuel - Heart Chakra
I help you to find peace where you believed it was impossible.
Archangel Gabriel - Root Chakra
I help you focus your creative energy in the best possible way.
Archangel Jophiel - Crown Chakra
I am here to help you bring your inner wisdom to the surface.
Archangel Michael - Throat Chakra
I am here to help you focus your energy and resolve your issues.
Archangel Raphael - Third Eye Chakra
Your healing is a gift from God and I help you open to allow it.
Archangel Uriel - Solar Plexus Chakra
Truth is absolute seeing. I help you welcome this way of being.
Archangel Zadkiel - Sacral Chakra
I bring clarity of thinking to the struggles you encounter.
Lady Nada - Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra
Love is the gateway to healing. I will help you open that gate.
Lord Ganesha - Root Chakra
I will help you overcome issues related to abundance and needs.
Lord Lanto - Crown Chakra
I carry the seeds of wisdom. Allow me to plant them in you.
Lord Sananda - Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra
You have never been alone. I will help you see and know this.
Lord Serapis Bey - Root and Sacral Chakra
All things are practice until mastered. Allow me to teach you.
Maha Chohan Paul the Venetian - Heart Chakra
I provide guidance for the deepest parts of your being.
Master El Morya - Throat Chakra
Your path is clearer when focused on the light. I can show you.
Master Hilarion - Third Eye Chakra
Healing is as natural as breathing. Allow me to show you how.
Chakra Healing Cards - Ultimate Healing Deck - Provides Spiritual Guidance through Affirmations, Meditation, Hand Mudras, Symbols, Aromatherapy and Reiki Energy by Deep Healing Light®
Chakra Healing Cards expand spiritual awareness and promote spirit assisted healings. The cards were written through inspiration and assembled with direct infusion of spirit, providing a potential pathway to clear and enhance a person's chakra energy.
Chakra Healing Cards - Ultimate Healing Deck - Provides Spiritual Guidance through Affirmations, Meditation, Hand Mudras, Symbols, Aromatherapy and Reiki Energy
These chakra cards help you to quickly identify and focus on the source of your issues so that you can truly experience a deep healing and guidance that makes a difference in how you feel and what you are able to accomplish. These are more than simple chakra cheat sheets since they were designed to help you experience results with your spiritual growth.
The focus of these high quality Chakra Healing Cards is to expand spiritual awareness and promote spirit assisted healings for any person who embraces the provided information and meditations. The cards were written through inspiration and assembled with direct infusion of spirit, providing a potential pathway to clear and enhance a person's chakra energy.
Deep Healing Light's ® Chakra Healing Cards are an absolute must for any meditation space since they are a quick and helpful reference when working on any chakra. Multiple applications and benefits such as:
A powerful catalyst for welcoming spirit assistance
The perfect handout after a Reiki Session
A quick reference to keep where you meditate
A thoughtful gift for those who are working on themselves
A teaching reference during a session or Reiki class
A reminder for focus when performing deep inner healing
Our products are widely distributed and can be found at these locations:
Want to purchase this product locally? Click the button below to email this link to your local new age, wiccan or esoteric shop:
Chakra Teachings Excerpts from my Publications
The concept of Chakras originated within the Hindu culture over 4000 years ago at a time where we had a more direct connection yet with our spirit and the earth. They were believed to be channels through which universal energy can flow, and that's how we still see them today.
Starting from the base of the spine, we have the Root Chakra, above that, near belly button height is the Sacral Chakra, next, in the middle your gut is the Solar Plexus Chakra. Above that in the center of your chest is the Heart Chakra. Above that, in the center of your throat is the Throat Chakra. Next, in the center of your forehead is the Third Eye Chakra. Then finally, at the very top of your head is the Crown Chakra.
... Chakras are channels through which universal energy can flow
The Chakras are a hybrid or connection between our physical and spiritual being, so as much as our spirit can help improve and maintain the chakras, what we do with our body and mind can also affect the chakras. Our choice to embrace loving and peaceful thoughts helps improve the chakras. Our choice to embrace hateful and angry thoughts can cause the chakras to become unbalanced and less effective.[p>
Likewise, what we do to our bodies can also affect our chakras. If we eat poorly, abuse substances, put too much strain on our muscles, stress our minds by pushing too hard or do not sleep enough, etc, these practices put a strain on the body and then the chakras capacity diminishes.
Knowing this now about the chakras, it's easy to see that it is extremely helpful to have them balanced often, and also to learn how to do that yourself as well. Although individual like myself have received training to work on the chakras and also to perform Reiki, healing is a natural gift that God has already placed in your hands, and it is available to you always. I will help you learn how to access it and make it available for yourself, and even others if you like.
The full transcript of Chakras 101 is included in several of our publications and can be obtained here:
If you did a Google search for 'healing near me', 'energy healing near me', 'reiki near me', or similar searches, you will have likely found this page if you are within a 30 mile radius of my physical location which services these Pennsylvania counties: Luzerne County, Carbon County, Schuylkill County, Northumberland County, Montour County, and Columbia County. Located just outside Hazleton, Pennsylvania, I provide on-site healing sessions at The Tree of Life Shoppe in Ringtown, PA, however, since I also offer distance healings, 'healing near me' can easily apply to anyone, anywhere in the world. As stated earlier, distance healings are just as powerful and effective as those performed on-site, so don't let distance or convenience be a reason for not experiencing something that can be life-changing.
Search within and you will find that God's unconditional love is freely given to all.
About David Nelmes, AS, CTC
David is a distinguished author, Reiki Master, and Certified Transformational Coach whose unique journey has led him to a profound understanding of the divine. Raised predominantly in a Protestant environment, he experienced a significant shift in his beliefs during his teenage and young adult years, immersing himself in evangelical and Pentecostal ideologies. However, in the late 1990s, an inner awakening ignited a profound change within him, altering his perception of God in ways he had never imagined.
As his consciousness expanded, David began to perceive a loving God—one free from requirements, devoid of fear-based motivations, and uninterested in demanding worship or sacrifice. Instead, he discovered an all-encompassing and unconditional love emanating from the Divine. This newfound perspective opened his mind to explore the teachings of "A Course in Miracles," which offered him an entirely new world of spiritual insight and revelation.
Eager to share his evolving experiences and shifted perceptions, David commenced writing articles that conveyed his profound realizations and the transformative power of seeing things from a fresh perspective. However, he understood that his own spiritual growth required ongoing dedication and the removal of significant internal barriers. Years of devoted inner work allowed him to break through these formidable blocks and redefine his identity, resulting in the authentic and inspiring individual he is today. And his spiritual journey continues to unfold, ever-expanding in its depth and wisdom.
With a genuine and powerful aptitude for healing, teaching, and writing, David's profound desire to share his wisdom on spirit and energy work is manifested through his captivating books, enlightening articles, transformative courses, and empowering workshops. Furthermore, his energy healing services serve as a testament to the immense quality and potency of his contributions. As David continues to delve deeper into the realms of spiritual understanding, his commitment to enriching the lives of others remains unwavering, promising even greater revelations and wisdom to be shared in the future.
Here are a few words David would like to share with you...
I love that you found this web site because I know the information and services provided here can genuinely help you to the core of your being.
"I am here only to be truly helpful." This is a phrase from A Course in Miracles that I have chosen to live by. Whenever I have felt I lost my way or wonder why I am here; what my purpose is; I remember this: "I am here only to be truly helpful."
I am a healer, writer, and teacher, and my happy goal is to share what I have learned and continue to learn. Many masters who have gone before us have great lessons and achievements, and I have learned that we partake and benefit directly from those experiences, even if they were not our own. I absorb and channel what I can from them and I share this with you through writing, healing and teaching.
I encourage you to make use of my courses and sessions, read my articles and absorb what I share. As with me, everything you learn from another, compresses time and shortens our journey back home to source, and that's the whole point or purpose of our existence, to discover our way back to Source.