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Chakra Symbols Engraved Stones with Affirmations, Meditation and Stone Identification Cards. For Healing, Reiki, Meditation, Altars and Home Decor
by Deep Healing Light®

Chakra Stones with Engraved Symbols help you experience a deep connection to Spirit and healing. These natural stones are engraved with chakra symbols. Perfect for Reiki or daily meditation. Includes Detailed Chakra Chart, Stone Identification cards, Meditation, Affirmations.

Chakra Symbols Engraved Stones with Affirmations, Meditation and Stone Identification Cards. For Healing, Reiki, Meditation, Altars and Home Decor
Chakra Symbols Engraved Stones with Affirmations, Meditation and Stone Identification Cards. For Healing, Reiki, Meditation, Altars and Home Decor

This is an extremely High Quality kit that includes highly polished 100% natural stones engraved with Chakra Symbols, stone information cards, a Chakra Chart, a guided meditation, affirmations for each chakra type, and a cozy maroon velvet pouch to keep the stones safe.

These polished stones are perfect for use with Reiki Healing Sessions or everyday meditation. Perfect altar accessory. Whether performing Reiki on yourself or another, these chakra stones can dramatically help with balancing each chakra if laid in place at the chakra area during a session.

Deep Healing Light's ® Chakra Symbols Engraved Stones include:

  • Seven Engraved Chakra Stones
  • Detailed Chakra Chart
  • Healing Meditation
  • Seven Chakra Affirmations
  • Seven Stone Identification Cards
  • Maroon Velvet Pouch
  • Infused with Spiritual Support

Because these are cut from natural stone, there will be noticeable differences between sets. Size Approx +-10%: 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.3 inch or (30x26x7mm). Even when not in use, place them on or near a salt lamp and let them help to energize and clear the space for all who enter.

This Set of 100% Natural Chakra Stones Includes:

  • Milky Amethyst (Crown Chakra - Sahasrara)
  • Lapis Lazuli (Third-eye Chakra - Ajna)
  • Blue Aventurine (Throat Chakra - Vishudda)
  • Green Aventurine (Heart Chakra - Anahata)
  • Tiger's Eye (Solar Plexus chakra - Manipura)
  • Carnelian (Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana)
  • Red Jasper (Root Chakra - Muladhara)

The provided meditation and affirmations are extremely helpful in using these stones to their fullest potential, plus they are infused with spiritual support. What does that mean? Author and Reiki Master, David Nelmes, created Chakra Healing products to help his clients experience further healing between their Reiki sessions. The kits were developed to help create a true healing environment that is empowered by focus and intention. To increase their healing potential, David works with a powerful spiritual team of Archangels, Ascended Masters and Chohans of the Rays, to infuse each product with their Spirit. This means you will have the energy of this entire spiritual team with you as our products gently guide you through a healing process that is blessed by Source. Simply put, these kits assist each person to create the focus necessary to allow themselves to receive what is already their Divine right.


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Chakra Healing Altar and Meditation Kit - Engraved Chakra Symbols Stones, Chakra Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Chakra Scented Candles, Stone ID Cards, Selenite Crystal and Altar Base
by Deep Healing Light®

This kit includes 7 sets of chakra healing products with a very unique altar base that makes it easy to display the chakra symbol engraved palm stone, a selenite clearing crystal, an essential oil, a Chakra Healing card and a Stone ID card, along with a chakra scented candle that can set in front.

Chakra Healing: Altar and Meditation Kit - Engraved Chakra Symbols Stones, Chakra Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Chakra Scented Candles, Stone ID Cards, Selenite Crystal and Altar Base
Chakra Healing: Altar and Meditation Kit - Engraved Chakra Symbols Stones, Chakra Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Chakra Scented Candles, Stone ID Cards, Selenite Crystal and Altar Base

This is the ultimate Chakra Healing Altar and Meditation Kit since it includes many of our most loved items in one concise and extremely affordable kit because it includes powerful tools and resources to help anyone welcome higher healing energy into their altar or meditation space, or any space desired.

Deep Healing Light's ® Chakra Collection consists of products for all 7 chakras and includes:

  • 7 chakra focused essential oil blends
  • 7 chakra symbol engraved palm stones
  • 7 Stone ID cards
  • 7 chakra scented tee-lite candles
  • 7 chakra healing cards
  • 1 selenite energy clearing crystal
  • 1 3D printed "Galaxy Blue" altar base for holding a chakra healing card, essential oil, selenite crystal, engraved stone and stone ID card

Our products are widely distributed and can be found at these locations:

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Our new age products will look great and sell great in your shoppe and are priced low enough to ensure you can easily profit from their sales. All products we sell wholesale are created and manufactured by Deep Healing Light®. Every product is professionally packaged to ensure they display well in your shoppe, plus all products include their own bar codes, so inventory is very easy.

Visit our Spiritual Products Wholesale page to learn more.


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