Natural Chakra Crystals Engraved Healing Stones

Chakra Stones with Engraved Symbols can help you to experience a deep connection with Spirit and open yourself for spiritual and metaphysical healing. These polished stones are perfect for use with Reiki Healing Sessions or everyday meditation.

This High-Quality kit includes polished 100% natural stones engraved with Chakra Symbols, stone information cards, a Chakra Chart, a guided meditation, affirmations for each chakra type, and a cozy maroon velvet pouch to keep the stones safe.

This Set of 100% Natural Chakra Stones Includes Milky Amethyst (Crown Chakra), Lapis Lazuli (Third-eye Chakra), Blue Aventurine (Throat Chakra), Green Aventurine (Heart Chakra), Tiger's Eye (Solar Plexus Chakra), Carnelian (Sacral Chakra) and Red Jasper (Root Chakra)

Includes a Detailed Chakra Chart, a thorough Healing Meditation, Seven Chakra Affirmations and Seven Stone Identification Cards

Everything in the universe is a vibration. Crystals have specific vibrations and by openly engaging with these vibrations, crystals can act as a tuning fork to help re-calibrate your Chakras.

Go to store to find out more

In the event you are not totally informed about where the chakras are or what they are called, please review this list of the seven chakras:

  1. Root - red, located at the base of the spine
  2. Sacral - orange, located below the naval
  3. Solar Plexus - yellow, located on your abdomen or naval
  4. Heart - green, located on the middle of your chest
  5. Throat - blue, located on your neck and throat
  6. Third Eye - indigo, located just above and between your eyes
  7. Crown - violet, located just above your head

Now let's be clear, there is nothing magical about using crystals. They are simply tools by which you can better access or channel a vibration that is helpful. There are many reiki masters that make high use of crystals while others don't. This has nothing to do with their validity, but simply to their need at the time. Just as some people use glasses to see better, many people use crystals to focus energy better.

As with any tool, just having the tool doesn't make you good at using it, but having the tool allows you to practice and learn how to get good at it. With crystals, or any other tool used for a healing activity, the base focus should be your intention on how you are using the tool. If you keep your intentions pure, giving and loving, nothing but good will come from their use.

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