Why Does God Let Satan Roam Free?
through David NelmesAccording to the Bible, satan had been cast down to earth to tempt, torment and distract everyone who was ever born. If any single person, (Adam or Eve) gave into temptation even once, God handed over...
Q: Why Does God Let Satan Roam Free?
According to the Bible, satan had been cast down to earth to tempt, torment and distract everyone who was ever born. If any single person, (Adam or Eve) gave into temptation even once, God handed over the fate of all their descendants to the hands of satan and basically sealed the book on the fate of billions that they would have an eternal existance of pain and suffering.
If God really loved us, why would he allow satan to roam free or to even exist in the first place? And even if satan was allowed to roam free, why is everyone born condemned because of one event that happened thousands of years ago?
(This is a reader submitted question. Its contents may have been edited, and all personal information has been removed)
A: Cutting right to the chase, there is no satan or devil. This concept of a being or entity that is responsible for our misgivings, is the ultimate example of taking absolutely no responsibility for our own actions. Plus, since we have said we are not responsible, we have not worked on resolving the problems we have created, therefore, many of the worlds problems never seem to go away.
Everything that has ever happened that was blamed on satan or on God's anger, was only ever manifest by us, and the sooner we all begin to realize this, the sooner we will begin to more successfully replace our fear and hate with peace and love.
Am I saying the story of Adam and Eve never happened? It absolutely never happened, but it does represent a moment where we decided to do something separate from God, which did result in us experiencing this world the way we do.
The idea of Satan is simply an extension of that part of you that feels it betrayed God and deserves punishment. This is a mistaken idea, but it has warped our thinking and plummeted us into this totally upside down version of heaven we call the 'world'--where everything appears to be a struggle and everything appears to decay and die. This world is everything that heaven is not.
To see this more clearly, replace all references to satan, with references to your own ego and you will begin to see how it is your own choices that have brought about the events of your life. Although this may at first appear to be a dreadful thought, it is also the most wonderfully freeing thought because it also means that you have it within you to choose differently and join with God and change the events of your life.
Seeing things truthfully is not at all about losing control, but about regaining control by allowing yourself to be open for the Holy Spirit to guide you.
You have two "I's" in your mind. There is the part of you that has every blessing and power of God at its disposal and there is the part of you that has one tiny little thing it thinks is so very important and it believes that to accept all that God has, it will lose it's tiny little thing. Of course this method of thinking is mad, but that's why we are experiencing this world.
As you become more open to seeing a loving God, you will see that you lose nothing by giving up your tiny little thing--your right to be upset and angry--and then you actually gain everything.
David Nelmes - David is a Reiki Master, author and teacher who has a genuine and powerful sense of healing, teaching and writing. His desire to share his knowledge about energy work has manifested itself through his web site's services, courses and articles, and they are a testimony to the quality and power of what he has to share.
His base beliefs are founded on the principles established through studying "A Course In Miracles", which has helped him to pursue Gods truths with an open mind that is willing to see what God would have him see.
You can visit David's facebook page at: Deep Healing Light on Facebook
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Seeing God: Perhaps For The First Time
This collection of articles may help you in Seeing God more clearly. The author believes God is a God of love, and his writings express the thought that God is a God of love and that He does not teach through fear or use fear in any way.